Have you noticed sagging along your jawline or under your eyes? If so, getting a PDO thread lift at Identity Aesthetics Kingwood may be the perfect solution for you.
Thread-lifting procedures have been around since the 1990s but innovations in the materials and types of procedures have made them more popular in recent years. The most common areas for the procedure are the mid-face, lower face, and neck area. The type of thread used may be determined by the area on which the procedure is done.
Threads are generally classified into two broad categories: Mono and Cog. Mono threads are single, smooth threads composed of a material called PDO, polydioxanone. PDO is an absorbable polymer that has been used for many years as suture material in surgical (including cardiac) procedures and wound closure. PDO threads are absorbed by hydrolysis over a 6-month period. Mono threads most be anchored to a point on the face.
Cog threads are essentially mono threads with barbs to hook to the underside of the skin. The barbs form a support structure that lifts the sagging tissue. The production of collagen around the threads and their barbs helps to restore volume and improves the skin texture and elasticity. threading mini facelift full face thread lift threading face lift Porter Kingwood Humble
Mono-threading is one type of minimally-invasive aesthetic procedure known as thread lifting. It is used as an alternative to facelift surgery. In a thread lift procedure, temporary sutures are used to produce a subtle but visible “lift” in the skin. The sutures lift and tighten the skin by pulling the skin back slightly. In addition, it is proposed that the placement of the sutures provokes the body’s healing process, increasing collagen in those areas.
Collagen is a fibrous, supportive protein. It is found in bone, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and skin. It helps skin cells adhere to one another giving the skin strength and elasticity. It also supports “growth factors” in the skin which influences skin condition. Collagen production decreases with age, contributing to skin wrinkling and sagging. threading mini facelift full face thread lift threading face lift Porter Kingwood Humble
Proponents of thread-lifting cite a number of potential benefits for the procedure over that of a conventional surgical face lift: